Monday, August 9, 2010

White River Crossing

On Saturday, we camped at the White River Crossing Discover Yukon RV park. Barb had heard about it from a camper at Dawson. The road from White Horse to Tok is terrible, continuously undulating, potholed roads. It took hours to do 100km. so we were pretty cranky when we rolled in.
The campsite had an emergency airstrip, and many, many pieces of equipment left over from building the Al-Can highway in 42/43. Amanda, one of the co-owners took us on an evening nature hike and explained about the native healing of many of the plants/herbs she had growing on the property. She was very knowledgeable and then she showed us how shallow the peat/tundra is (about 12 inches) and we could touch the permafrost underneath! No wonder those roads are messed up by the permafrost!
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