Sunday, August 15, 2010

musk oxen

In Fairbanks we went to the Museum at the University - they had an art gallery associated with it. An interesting video explanation of the Aurora Borealis was excellent, as well as a display of animals (stuffed) and an interesting discussion of the folks from the aleutian Island that were interned during the war years.

We also went to the LARS (Large Animal Research Station) that was also on the campus. We got to see these musk oxen, albeit penned but very large and intimidating. They did some excellent head butting for us, simply because the tractor drove into the penned area. The interpreters were very interesting, talked about the research that was being done to see why these beasts can survive on such poor food sources (in the tundra) and to try and figure out how their enzymes could be adapted to develop an easier way to produce biofuels! The caribou were also being studied. They were so impressive, with huge heavy racks that the guys produce each year!
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