Thursday, August 5, 2010

Laurie's Week 3 Synopsis

The Dempster can be a little hard on tires. This is a pic of an abandon Astro at the Arctic Circle sign post. It had 2 other flat tires inside. Barb loved the cable ferry across the Peel River and I loved the 4 wheel drive stuff to get on and off. The drive up is fabulous until you get to the Mackenzie Delta and then it is kind of boring to Inuvik. On our way back we stopped at the Arctic Circle thingy and boondoggled (camped) there for the night, right on the dotted line :). Incredibly quiet and peaceful. In the morning you can hear traffic coming 5 minutes before you see them and they are behind hills so there direct sound path and when you do see them they are still a kilometer away. We are now 2 tires and 8300+ Kilometers into our trip.
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