Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dempster Highway 1

So this is the start of the Dempster. We traversed through Tombstone Territorial Park (magnificent - we stopped there on the way back so look for later blog). We found the road to be dry, dusty and often studded with pot holes but easily passable. We camped at Eagle Plains, just short of the arctic circle. There were quite a few people hanging out there waiting for the road to Inuvik to open. The Peel (those darn Peel people keep messing things up) Ferry over the Peel River was not running because the river was high and had too much debris. Luckily, we planned to stop there anyway.
We had to figure out how to block out the light at midnight because the sun was still shining!. We were within 40 km of the Arctic Circle!
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