Monday, April 18, 2011

Jerome, Arizona

We had been told that we definitely needed to go to Jerome, especially on a Saturday to see all the motorcyclists visiting. So we got to the Cottonwood area, got a campsite at the Dead Horse State Park and then headed up to Jerome - on Saturday. Guess we hadn't done enough research to realize that the road up and up was narrow, windy and steep. (about 3000') And there were hoards of people, yes some motorcyclists but also Astin Martins, Alfa Romeos, Fiats, Triumphs, MGs, and some oldie Chevs, Fords...muscle cars ...There was not a spot to be had for parking - especially our camper/truck size. We did find a spot, and wandered around. Found a restaurant for some lunch (which was too much, and too rich for us...we were uncomfortable all afternoon and evening. It was amazing to see, and somewhat of a tourist trap, but now we can say we did it!

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