Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Port Angeles to Neah Bay

We took the Black Ball Ferry - the Coho - over to Port Angeles, Washington. Unfortunately the only sailing we could get on was at 7:30 at night. So we arrived in PA in the dark. Hard to find a campsite! Also the customs officer decided that we needed a thorough inspection and he went through the camper with a fine toothed comb! We had cleared the fridge and thrown everything out so I wasn't very concerned. However, he did manage to find 2 rotting potatos that I had bought in Smithers, about 3 weeks ago and forgotten about, down in a little cubby hole. He marched off muttering about a $300. fine for importing banned foodstuff! Luckily, he relented and just gave us a warning. Good grief!

The next day we headed to Cape Flattery, the most westernly part of the contiguous USA. On our way we stopped to hike up to the Marymere waterfall. The falls were not spectacular but the hike was. The old growth trees were huge, and the mossy coverings were thick and eerie.
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