Monday, July 19, 2010


While we were in Winnipeg we hooked up with Laurie's cousin Jamie, and her family. We went to "The Forks" which is a meeting place and market place at the forks of the Assiniboine and Red Rivers. We toured on a small pontoon boat underneath the bridges. The tour guide was fun and knowlegeable about the local history and the problems with flooding. You can see that it is still an issue as the river walk was flooded below the parliament buildings.

We had dinner at Jamie and John's and discovered that we have relatives who can ride a unicycle. Amazing. Laurie, Jamie and Melvie, reminisced about happy times spent in White Rock on summer vacations with the Savage grandparents. We even scored some pictures of Laurie without a beard! Okay, so he was only 16. Jamie fed us an amazing meal - (she must be wonder woman because she was with us all day) complete with home made spanokopeta (sp?)

We left Winnipeg on Sunday morning and motored all the way through to Saskatoon. We are already 3052 km into our trip. Passed by many, many acres of canola, so very yellow, it takes your breath away. Also saw two "mountains" of potash with miles of trains waiting for loads.

As we signed in at the campsite, the owner said, sorry, its been so wet the mosquitoes are 10x worse than they have ever been! And right she was. We were mobbed just trying to get from the cab to the camper. I haven't been outside since, good thing we have wifi that allows us to update the blog!

Tomorrow we are off to Lloydminster and then we will drop down to Oyen for Tuesday.
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  1. Sounds like you are having so much fun!

  2. We are thrilled to see that Winnipeg rated 3 photographs on your blog! I hope you got the family photos. It was so great to see both of you. We will be following you on your trip, hope you have a great time.

    lots of love,
    Jamie, John, Max and Alice
