Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Laurie's Synopsis of Week 1

Driving has been good other than dealing with Chicago rush hour stuff, and the head on winds for the major portion of traveling across the prairies. Major wind and rain storm in Wisc., water over the hubcaps. Absolute great time in Winnipeg with my Aunt Melvie and cousin Jamie and family. (Unicycles rule). The drive from Llyodminster to Oyen was great, part of it was kind of a pretest of a wet Dempster Hwy. Like driving on grease. In Oyen I connected with my "sis" and her husband Bill (I had never met) who is a really amazing, entertaining, and delightful fellow. Great food and company where ever we have stopped this week. Fuel stops are getting further apart and WiFi is getting rarer. Now 4024K into our trip. Cribbage games are tied and we are still throwing snowballs at each other. :)

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