Thursday, June 8, 2017

Lava Beds National Park

As we left the campsite at the north end of Lassen NP we headed back up the park road as far as we could.  The snow is still really deep and Laurie was quite disappointed that he couldn't get to Bumpass Hell, which has steam vents, fumeroles, and mud pots.  Guess we'll have to come back!

Then we headed north to Lava Beds National Park, which had a few lava formations and cones, and many, many caves.  The Information Centre screened us for previous caving - if you had used the same hiking boots in any other cave you had to walk through a special foot bath to prevent spread of white nose disease to the bats.  They also provided free flashlights.

I have discovered I am not great in high precipices nor in enclosed long tunnels!   So there are no pictures of inside the caves.  Laurie did venture into several, and I got half way into two larger, well or partially lit ones.  There were several "black diamond" caves for the experience caver with the proper equipment.

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